Dr. Maya Eichler holds the Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation and Community Engagement, and is an assistant professor in Political and Canadian Studies and Women’s Studies at Mount Saint...
Researcher Profiles: Veterans Health and Health Research in Canada
Veterans Health and Health Research in Canada
World-class research is being conducted in Canada dedicated to the health and well-being of Canada’s Veterans and their families. In Canada, we have 71,500 Regular Force members of the Canadian Armed Forces, 30,000 Reservists, 54,000 military families and 658,000 Veterans, many of whom have unique risks, exposures and experiences that demand new standards of treatment, prevention and care for both the ill and injured.
Research Canada is committed to profiling and supporting the work of researchers from our Membership and across Canada. The following are just some of the leading experts on veterans health research in Canada.
Click the names below for the complete biography.
Dr. Jetly is senior advisor in Psychiatry for the Canadian Armed Forces and currently is the Head of the Centre of Excellence on Mental Health, Directorate of Mental Health. He...
Bradford J. McFadyen is a professor within the Department of Rehabilitation at Université Laval, as well as a researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration...