Budget 2016 takes action to reinvigorate Canada’s health research and innovation system

Bill Morneau’s 2016 Budget, Growth for the Middle Class, which strengthens Canada’s health research and innovation system by dedicating new resources to discovery research, infrastructure at postsecondary institutions and federal laboratories and accelerating the diffusion and commercialization of knowledge into applications that benefit industry and society as a whole.

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Budget 2015 makes Important R&D investments, leaves discovery research hanging in the balance

OTTAWA, ON (April 21, 2015) Finance Minister Joe Oliver tabled Economic Action Plan 2015 today in the House of Commons living up to his promise to balance the budget and support the translation of new ground‐breaking ideas into the production of high‐value goods and services that enhance opportunities for Canadians and Canadian businesses.

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Research Canada announces winners of inaugural Leadership Award

TORONTO, November 20, 2014 – Three advocates of health research and health innovation were presented last night with the inaugural Research Canada Leadership Award. Dr. Michael Julius, Vice President of Research at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Russell Williams, President and CEO of Canada's Research Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Rx&D) and The Centre for Addictions Research of British Columbia received the Research Canada Leadership Award at a ceremony held in conjunction with the Prix Galien Canada 2014 Innovative Drug Product award at the Health Research Foundation(HRF) Gala.

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Research Canada spearheads international agreement to strengthen health research and health innovation

OTTAWA, ON (April 21, 2015) Finance Minister Joe Oliver tabled Economic Action Plan 2015 today in the House of Commons living up to his promise to balance the budget and support the translation of new ground‐breaking ideas into the production of high‐value goods and services that enhance opportunities for Canadians and Canadian businesses.

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Research Canada encourages federal budget investments in health research to create jobs and economic growth

OTTAWA, ON (April 21, 2015) Finance Minister Joe Oliver tabled Economic Action Plan 2015 today in the House of Commons living up to his promise to balance the budget and support the translation of new ground‐breaking ideas into the production of high‐value goods and services that enhance opportunities for Canadians and Canadian businesses.

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